Wednesday, August 19, 2009

recent photos from girl and dog's family

Linked unceremoniously here:

This spring and early summer a lot of our life was taken up with a big kitchen remodel. Josh's photos of the process may be found here:

Our other extranormal exciting thing was a trip to Norway. I was presenting at a conference in Trondheim, so Josh and i managed to finagle a week which gave us some extra time to get away together and see a new place. Josh's photos are here:
while mine are here:

I must admit to needing more commentary on my own photos, which i do so hope to get to.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

wading pool

IMG_1436, originally uploaded by jbuergel.

The girl got a new wading pool at some point this summer. It mostly lives at her friend's house, but, they have been enjoying it a lot. It also probably saved many days during the hottest part of the summer.
Read Josh's commentary on flickr.

Friday, August 14, 2009


CIMG1026, originally uploaded by meganursula.

We went to Norway in May, sans girl and dog, sadly. However, there are pictures up on flickr if you'd like to see them.