Tuesday, March 30, 2010

older women!

At first the boy may have appeared to be unsure with this experiment.

But he did warm up to it after a while. Good thing, too - he's the one that insisted on going into things in his skivvies.

Can you tell who is older?

too cool for school

Here is a smiley boy.

Here is a smiley girl.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Dads play with kids at the bagel shop after a tricycle rally. This is a pretty good Sunday morning.

This is what my bed looks like on a good morning. The dog would be there, too, but we don't dare let him onto the bed even once, for fear that he would never leave.

thats love


This isn't the best photo, but, i love the way the dog was all curled up hugging Josh's foot here.