Monday, October 25, 2010


We stole a Friday with the girl's bff and went to the zoo.

I think that the boy may have had a good time, too.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


We both grew up with fond memories of having siblings. We're hoping that our kids will have a good time growing up together, too. It is fun to watch them interact already. Of course, actual togetherness is a bit short-lived so far.

more family

My sister came to visit recently. We had a wonderful weekend, and took a little 'girls only' time which made the girl ecstatic. Nothing better than to share her world with her aunt!


In August my Aunt and two cousins came to visit us. We had a wonderful wonderful time with them. Here is the girl showing them some of our favorite haunts - the aquarium and the zoo.

A little story, too. My Aunt gave the girl a little pink tutu skirt, with pink tights and a shirt with a ballerina on it for her birthday. She also gave her a little cat wearing ballet clothes. The girl says 'Its just what i've always wanted!'. She also started dancing around the living room, spinning while holding the cat above her head. It reminded me so much of the dance the little girls do with their dolls in the first act of Nutcracker. Growing up that dance always seemed a little false to me - too sweet to ring true. But i've never seen anything sweeter than my girl doing that dance. If i could go back and redo prologue at this late date, i know i'd do a better job, just picturing that joy.

The three musketeers, cuter

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Story times are back

After a long end-of-summer hiatus. Check out today's activity. Bonus points if you can spot all three of us.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The three musketeers

The littlests are on the move. Have you ever seen so much cuteness in one wading pool?

In other news, my sweet photobucket-blogger arrangement has gone somewhat sour, and not only have i been having trouble uploading photos to photobucket (like the cuter versions of this one i know i have), but posting from photobucket to blogger proves to be hard. This is my meager excuse for my lack of material lately. I will work on a remedy.

Komodo Dragons around

The girl, visiting one of the zoo's more patient animals with friends.

Big girl haircut

The girl recently decided she wanted to convenience of a fashionable modified bob.

Feet first, Mister

We're so proud of him for figuring out that faceplanting is NOT the preferable way to descend stairs....