Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the girl and her dad

Lately, when we are in the car and a Beatles song comes on, the girl says 'Beatles song!'. Yup, thats right, folks, she can recognize the Beatles. This seems to extend to songs that she hasn't heard before. I couldn't be prouder. (I wonder what would happen if we played her the Apples in Stereo - we should try it.)

The reason for this new found knowledge is that she adores playing 'Beatles Rock Band' with her dad. They will sit side-by-side, dad playing either the guitar or drums and singing, and the girl singing. (She also has her own guitar, but i don't see her playing it much. She wants to have it with her, i guess just in case inspiration strikes.) The girl will request 'nother song' for a long time during this game, with her most frequent requests being 'Octopus's Garden', and 'I am the Walrus'. She doesn't sing very much in the way of actual lyrics, preferring to chime in with the occasional bout of 'Happy Birthday', or 'Motorboat', but she does seem to be learning some of the easier phrases ('Bang bang', or 'coo coo choo').

Aside from this cuteness the girl is turning into a Daddy's Girl in another way - her current fascination with games. Dad has bought her a few real games, and she adores playing with them. I think she'd play them all night long if we were willing to play with her. You can see her collection and reviews here:

I love that she plays games with us. Its something that drew me to her dad to begin with - that he spent his time doing something, something that required thought and action and social intercourse. I'm glad that the girl gets to do those things, and that she gets so much pleasure out of them. Right now the games involve a lot of matching, and it is really cool to see her skills develop. She is getting better at taking turns, and matching pictures and shapes. (She is also learning to pick up her games, put them away, ask to play, etc. - all skills I appreciate.) I think we both enjoy spending some time with her, playing a game or ten.

What with all this time spent with dad, the girl is getting closer to him. (hey, she even said 'go away mommy' the other night after a few bouts with her 'go away monster' game.) While i never want to lose my adorable little girl, i love seeing her developing relationship with her dad. It will serve them both well in the years to come to have a positive foundation from which to build.

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